Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am going to celebrate a milestone in 12 days..... I turn 40 years old.

Woo hoo!!!!! 

40 is fabulous to me.... I am so much wiser than I was 20 years ago and so much more confident as a result. I know what I want and a bit more about how to get it.  I know who I want to be around and who makes me happy.  I know that I am capable of doing just about anything I set my mind to doing.  I know I am loved.  I know who I love.

I know a lot of people dread the big 4-0 but I am not one of them.  I look forward to every day because I get to have new experiences, learn new things, and laugh more.  So 40 does not seem scary at all.  I have known too many people who have not made it to this great milestone so I know it is meant to be celebrated and celebrated well.  

To look at me, you would never guess I am 40.  I certainly do not behave like a lot of the 40 year olds I know.  I think that might be the reason the elementary and high school students laughed a lot in my classrooms as they learned a lot along the way - right with me.  I never stop learning and I am as curious as a cat.  (Sometimes that leads to some trouble but I will never stop being curious.  All the good things in my life have come from being curious!)
So celebrate the milestones in your life and enjoy every minute of this awesome ride called "Life"!  You will never regret that choice! 

To celebrate this milestone, I will take 40% off ALL items from January 29th through February 4th. Want me to hold something back for you so you can get the 40% off? Let me know and I will do that.....