Thursday, August 9, 2012

2012 Iowa State Fair.... and other thoughts

I am a list maker.  I make lists of things that have to be done, I want to squeeze in, and would just like to see if it is possible to accomplish them.  this blog is always on the list.  I keep it on the list so that I will stop and process my thoughts, share with others, and get some ideas out of my head so others will have room.  

Do I accomplish everything?  No but I figure that I have set some goals and that is a major part of any battle.  Today's blogging is easy....  and I am glad that I take the time to blog.

I have been gearing up for the Iowa State Fair so long I have lost track of the time spent prepping and creating work for just 2 days of selling at Art Under the Tent with fellow artists.  It is the first time that I have decided to sell in such a big venue.  I don't know how to much to take... Have I made enough stuff?  Do I have all of my little things organized like necklaces for pendants to I can just grab them and put them together on the spot?  Do I have enough of the supplies I use like jump rings to make something longer?  Will my brain come with me or will I forget it at home?  

I entered a couple of creations in the Creative Arts division last year.  I was not looking for a ribbon or prize.  I just wanted the feedback from the judges and to find out what it is like to enter something like that.  First time ever doing that and I was glad that I did.  The comments were great to read.  This year I entered 3 things, the photographed item being one of them.  I set my goal a little higher and thought honorable mention would be good.  

To my amazement, I got a Blue Ribbon for this piece.  It is a hand-crafted pendant/ring.  It is on 2 different length strands of aventurine.  It can be a ring that is attached to a slave bracelet, worn by itself, or as a pendant.  Convertible!!!  I almost did not enter this creation.  I had a doubt or 2 that it would even make it into the category correctly.  And to learn I earned a Blue Ribbon with it made me realize that it was well worth the risk of entering it.

At the end of the fair, this beauty will go to a new home.  (one that I know though so I can visit it when I miss it....)  I sometimes wonder if what I make and love dearly is what others will love just as much I do.  Now I know that THIS one is.  I love the big, bold pieces and things that stand out.  I love something with great texture and will catch light in an interesting way.  I love something that makes me feel like a 5 year old kid who just found a treasure and cannot wait to tell the world about it.  I know I am not alone in this... but it is so nice to have it so concretely said "You make good stuff.  I like how you think."

Before all this happened, I had my first "big" order.  I made some really cool cork necklaces for Wine Shop at Home consultants in the area.  When they went to convention, those fun necklaces were noticed by many including someone on the Board of Directors.  I am getting leads for more work like that big order now.  All because I played and had fun, I am getting solid concrete leads.  All because I put my thoughts into action/creation, I am getting to hear "I like how you think" a little more.  Confidence is pretty important in this world and especially as an artist of any kind.

So how do I wrap up this blog entry?  I guess I say THANK YOU to every single person that told me I could do this and be successful, to every single person who told me that I was wasting my time and should just do something for the money not because I love it, to every single person that sees something I made and says something nice about it, and most importantly to family and friends who tell me I like how you think.  

If you would like to follow me closer, you can find me on Twitter (@wireitup4u), Facebook ( and on the web (