Hello and Happy February!
I have to admit I like February a lot. Mostly because my birthday is the 1st but also because I love my birthstone, amethyst. I try to make something special with it as a birthday treat to myself. it might take me awhile to formulate the idea as I like to let them "brew" a bit but it always gets done. There might be other things on the "to Do" list that never make it but this one always does. It is a healing stone and is just my favorite.
February also seems a little more "awake" than January to me too. I love moving closer to spring and I have discovered this is a good month for classes. I have started to teach more of them and am "brewing" ideas for more classes down the road. To find out what is on the docket this month, check out my calendar.
I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day amazingly. It is not because I think love stinks or anything like that. (I love LOVE and wish it for everyone!) I just think that you should always show people you love them because you never know when they will be gone from your life. It is such an important thing to show daily - in big and small ways. The small ways add up to some pretty big things in the end so I hate to skip those or discount them. I do think it has been commercialized beyond belief, like many other important or sacred things in our lives.
I am not offering any extra special deals just for this "holiday" (if one can really call it that) but I do offer special deals all year round to show how much I love the support people show me. I am always willing to make a deal! (That would be the true artist in me.... Just let me make you something because I love it and someone special will get to keep it.) I never need an excuse or reason to make something.
I love custom orders because someone has gone out of their way to think of doing something special for someone they love or themselves. It is not selfish to do something special for yourself! (Although my kids and siblings remind me all of the time I do not do this enough for myself. LOL I am learning... trying to be kinder to myself in small ways.) I recently made some horse hair jewelry and know it is precious to that person because they adore their fur-friend. I also am working on some projects that include beads someone picked up because they found them cool and thought they looked lonely just sitting in the jewelry box. That personal touch is breathtaking to me..... *contented sigh*
I hope this February finds you loved and appreciated! I hope you treat yourself kindly, with love and do something just a little special for yourself. If you happen to be looking at something I have made - whether it is now or down the road - and are interested in it, I am always around to do what I can to give you a great deal. Contact me via Facebook or Email. I just love to create and will keep on doing that! (Hopefully following up with a blogpost too!)
I have not forgotten about those who took on the Pay It Forward blog I did earlier. I have some ideas "brewing" for that too.