Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aaaaaacckkk pffffffffffftttt!!!

This is my profile picture on Facebook.  Yep, Bill D. Cat and Opus from Bloom County....  I am in an "aaaaccckkk pffffttt" kind of mind-frame lately.  I am not quite sure why but I have decided to just go with it.  What can it hurt to just drift and see where I end up? 

Granted I could drift the wrong direction and end up in quite a different place than expected but that is part of life's adventures as an artist.  You never know where you will end up.  Sometimes you end up somewhere far better than where you started, even if it looked like it was the wrong direction at the beginning of the drift. Sometimes it only looks wrong because you are fighting so hard for something else to be right. 

Either way, I am feeling like there are some changes afoot.  I love change.  It makes lots of people I know nervous but I embrace it.  It fuels me and keeps me moving forward.  It is this kind of change that makes me grow as an artist, creator - heck, HUMAN.  Change is necessary for my growth!  Some can be scary at first but then I jump in with both feet (maybe even belly-flop) and move forward.

When time is crunched and I feel like I do nothing but run, sleep very little and get stressed, that is the time to change something I am doing.  It is time to change how I fit creativity and creation into my day-to-day life.  Maybe I need to create things that are not so detailed, whimsical perhaps to keep me smiling and laughing.  Maybe I need to find inspiration in what I already have and figure out how to use it in a new way that fits my daily life better.  Maybe I need to just sit and breathe, laugh at shows like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and 30 Rock or just say "Aaaaaaaccccckkkkkkk!!!!!  Pffffffffffttt!!!!". 

So I am going to stay in Bloom County for awhile with my pals Bill D. Cat and Opus for as long as I need to and just enjoy the stimulating conversations that include "Thppft!!!".  I know it has to lead me to a fun place and fun is definitely important in my life.  I know several people who are here in Bloom County already. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pay it Forward! Comment to be a part of it....

As soon as I saw this on Tumblestone Handmakery's blog  I knew I had to take part! 
I love surprise happy things just like this - especially in the mail, 
who doesn't like something fun like this in the mailbox that isn't a bill?!!
I have not won anything yet but I like to think I just might so I am going to try this anyway...

  I will be giving a thoughtful, handmade surprise
 to the first *3* people
to comment on this blog post!

These are just a few of the things I make and give you a good indication of my style of working.
Here are the rules and how it works!!

I’ll send a surprise gift to the first three to comment on this blog post.
The gift will be a handmade surprise by me and will be sent to you some time in the next 364 days 
(yep, mystery gift at a mystery time).

Here’s what you need to do, leave me a comment and make sure you include your email address 
(if your profile doesn’t include it). 
I’ll email you for your snail mail address and a ask a few questions 
(likes/dislikes, favorite colours, sizes general stuff like that). 
In case your wondering, I’m happy to send gifts overseas :)

To complete signing up you MUST play along too. To do this you must blog a similar post and pledge to make a surprise gift for the first three people who comment on it.

So, do you want to play? Comment below and I’ll send a thoughtful handmade gift to the 
first three people who do.

Let the fun begin!!