Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pay it Forward! Comment to be a part of it....

As soon as I saw this on Tumblestone Handmakery's blog  I knew I had to take part! 
I love surprise happy things just like this - especially in the mail, 
who doesn't like something fun like this in the mailbox that isn't a bill?!!
I have not won anything yet but I like to think I just might so I am going to try this anyway...

  I will be giving a thoughtful, handmade surprise
 to the first *3* people
to comment on this blog post!

These are just a few of the things I make and give you a good indication of my style of working.
Here are the rules and how it works!!

I’ll send a surprise gift to the first three to comment on this blog post.
The gift will be a handmade surprise by me and will be sent to you some time in the next 364 days 
(yep, mystery gift at a mystery time).

Here’s what you need to do, leave me a comment and make sure you include your email address 
(if your profile doesn’t include it). 
I’ll email you for your snail mail address and a ask a few questions 
(likes/dislikes, favorite colours, sizes general stuff like that). 
In case your wondering, I’m happy to send gifts overseas :)

To complete signing up you MUST play along too. To do this you must blog a similar post and pledge to make a surprise gift for the first three people who comment on it.

So, do you want to play? Comment below and I’ll send a thoughtful handmade gift to the 
first three people who do.

Let the fun begin!!


  1. Julie how awesome! I am so happy that I was introduced to your fantastic creativity. I look forward to the great ideas you have with Wine Corks. I am new to blogging and would love the opportunity to Pay It Forward! Thanks for the next blog installment!

  2. Julie, I see your blog post and it is an awesome idea. I am somewhat limited to what I can give though since the Scentsy family is strict on those types of things. I could do it with ViSi though since they are all about free samples. I will put something together. :)

  3. Awesome! I love doing this! I might just have to throw in a few more winners as a surprise so keep commenting. :)

  4. Not sure why but somehow I was oblivious to the fact that you have a blog! I've been thinking I should blog....started one years ago but never did anything with it after I set it up. Doh!
