Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Open Doors

I have had many doors open for me in my life as an artist.  They open when I need an opportunity to come along but I am not sure what opportunity I should be seeking.  They open when I trust that things are going to come along in the right timing.  They open when I give generously, not expecting anything in return.  The people I have met on this journey as an artist and a small business person have all helped to open doors for me.

I find myself in a good place, a really good place.  I have growth that seems to be steady and strong.  it feels..... RIGHT.  It feels like I should be doing what I am doing right now.  I have taken risks and tried new things because someone has asked me IF I can do them.  They trusted me enough to ask me, so I trusted myself enough to give it a try.  I did the research, planned my work, and went into the project with an open mind.  Success!!!!

I do know my limits though.  I watched the replays of the 2 week Right Brain Business Seminar and learned a lot from other creative business minds.  Several of them talked about knowing when to say "No" or "I cannot do that to the quality that you need right now" or "I recommend this person to deliver you the service you need".  It is often in my thoughts after this seminar that I need to remember WHY I do what I do and base my decisions on that.  I trust my instincts and just have to remember that important little fact when I feel stressed.  Just because there is a door in front of me does not mean it is always the right door to open.

I look forward to creating so much more now that I have gotten really clear about why I do what I do.  Now I need to make decisions that match that vision.  These open doors that have suddenly appeared recently make that even more clear.  I wish I could clone myself so I can do all the things I need to do - update website with new images, stay on top of all the social media sites I use to get the word out about my business (which is a very manageable number at this time), create more work, network with others, find supplies, get to all of the shops that carry my work, etc.  I work a day job to pay the bills and help me build my business like so many other small business people do but my mind is always spinning with ideas and things that need to be done.  The right door will open, the right people will show up, and things will fall into place as long as I keep my vision clear and work for it.  (That is what I hope and trust to happen anyway.)

Every person that has helped me, bought something I created, asked me to make custom work, or share space in an event keeps opening doors for me.  I cannot thank people enough for that.  Perhaps that is why I pay it forward as often as I can!  Speaking of which, I am starting to send out the pay it forward creations out to those that commented on my post in September 2012.  I really, really, really enjoy paying it forward that way.  I will have to do that more often.  Look for another blog with something like that in it this spring....

If you are interested in finding me and my work at shows, check out this calendar.  As events are added, I update my calendar on my website.  I also update my Facebook page.  Feel free to contact me at any time by emailing me here.

Here's to the open doors in your life and the possibility for all the open doors you need!

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