Sunday, December 22, 2013


Oh the journeys life brings us...  It feels like I have been on a rather fantastic journey lately.  One where I don't always get to the computer to update my Facebook page, website, Pinterest, Google+ and this blog very often.  There are pictures on my camera that need to be downloaded and edited.  The technological part of this journey is not a very big one apparently.  (Once I get a few more things done, I will be doing those updates.  I hate to leave things hanging on the TO DO list.) 

I have enjoyed this journey and found some really creative and unique souls along the way.  I have found some art that I just have to follow now because I want to see where it goes for the artist.  I have found some good inspiration on this journey.  I have found a new focus of sorts on this journey.  It is still art and jewelry but there is a twist to it now that I want to test out.   This journey brought some excitement to the areas I was kind of stuck in at the time it started.  Fresh air is a good thing indeed.

This is the kind of journey where you ask yourself questions about life in general, your path in it, and what you really think about it all.  If you have ever been at this point, you know what I am trying to put into words is really difficult to describe accurately.  I have really stopped, stepped back a few steps and looked at where I have been and where I am now.  And asked that super hard question, "What do I want for the future?  Where am I heading?"

Now, I am a live-in-the-moment, don't-worry-about-the-future kind of person in general.  People ask me where I see myself in 5 years and I say "Happy."  They ask for details and I never seem to have them.  I just have a general idea of what I like and the range of things I can accept.  So some may call me flaky...  I can live with that.  I just know that I WILL be happy and doing something I love to do.  And that is enough for me. 

So stopping to go a little bit further into details is kind of a big deal for me.  I still cannot tell you every detail but I know it will involve art and as many friends as I can include.  It will mean I need to delve into technological things more regularly and quit thinking of that as a chore so I will WANT to do it again.  I envision some kind of shop or studio space in my future now and am starting to build it in my mind.  I don't have any idea of the time frame I will need but don't worry about one either.  Happy is still going to be goal #1. 

I have stopped many times on this journey to say thank you to those who came across my path.  THAT is one part of this journey I am so grateful for having!  Giving gratitude has blessed me in so many ways, many of them surprising.  I thank YOU right now for reading this post and supporting me that way.  Lots of little and big things to be thankful for right now!

Whatever journey you are on, I hope it is a good one full of good people and things along the way.  I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, whatever they may be, and that you build some awesome memories with those you love.  Thank you for being part of my journey!  It has been a really great one because of you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time... my how you fly!!!

Oh my!  How did it get to be soooo long since I last blogged???  What happened to my calendar?  How did it get to be almost October???

It has been a busy summer and now fall is rolling along just as busy.  I loved doing the Iowa State Fair!  I was sad to leave at the end of my 3 days there as part of the Art Under the Tent exhibit.  I truly enjoy meeting all the artists and people that go through the fair.  Every event is a chance to meet new people and connect with them in lots of ways. 

This event season has me at a couple of regular events and some new ones.  Click here to be taken to the Calendar tab of my website.  If you prefer Facebook, click here for that calendar.  I will be updating some of them as information comes to me about them.  I look forward to seeing you there if you get the chance to stop out at one of them.

I always debate about which events to do and rely on my gut instincts to tell me which way to go.  There are always many out there to choose from and I like to try new ones when the time is right.  Lately I have decided that it is time to go to some events and check out how they are set up, see what works for the people at them, and see what I should incorporate into my upcoming events.  It seems kind of silly to just run to events all the time and never attend any other events.  I feel like I am missing something by not taking the time to just attend and see what is out there.

I went to the Des Moines Renaissance Faire on the last weekend it was open.  It was pirate themed that weekend.  (Great fun for the pirate lovers in your life!)  I saw so many cool things there.  It is intriguing to go to an event that is based on a very specific theme.  The costumes are awesome!  And those that act totally in character the whole time are very entertaining.  I came home with some art and crystals of course. 

But more than that, I came home with some ideas of how to set things up in the future.  I am ready to re-vamp how I set up at shows.  Some things are not really very easily changed nor should they be.  They work they way they should.  Some things, though, should be played with a bit.  It is overdue for those changes to be made.  I am excited to give it a try and see how it works for me!!!

Did you go to any fun events recently?  I would love to hear about them!  I always like hearing about events in other places. 

I hope time is flying the right way for you and that you are taking the time to enjoy the good things in your life!  Until the next adventure in blogging, love and light to all of you!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

On Festivals and Shows....

Yesterday, I spent the day at the Des Moines Art Festival in Des Moines, IA as a visitor.  I went several years ago when my youngest daughter had a piece of art in the show after her elementary art teacher submitted it.  I was very proud of my 5th grader and find myself thinking about the moment when I saw her watercolor painting, took her picture next to it.  I remember it like it was yesterday really.

That year, I wandered around by myself.  My daughter went home with her dad and his wife after the awards were handed out.  I wanted to see what was there.  I lived 2 hours away and never really made it to the festival in the past.  We seemed to always be camping or doing other family things on that weekend.  I spent most of my time in the Emerging Artists area.  I came home with a raku fired bowl with this gorgeous copper color created by a student at ISU.  I saw so much cool stuff, so much thought-provoking stuff, so much art that intrigued me and made me want to try some new things.

I had not gone until this year for a variety of reasons.  I seemed to be busy that weekend with something else.  I had also heard about the process to get into this particular festival.  It was not good what I heard.  I have very talented friends who SHOULD have been able to get a spot to show their incredible body of work.  They did not get in though and when it was explained why, I was not sure I wanted to support that process by attending the festival.  The more I heard about the inner workings, the less interested I was in attending.

I still think their decision process is flawed and a lot of local talent gets cut out because it does not fit a formula, an easily labeled category.  Those "messy" or "eclectic" artists interest me the most.  I thrive on variety and really hate being easily labeled or placed into a formula.  I understand where the decision-makers might be coming from but I don't have to like it.

This year, though, after much thought about supporting something that seems elitist to me, I decided to go to the festival with the same daughter that had a piece of art in the festival years ago.  She is now a junior in high school and loves art.  She is eclectic much like her mother and thrives even more on variety.  She is a perfectionist when it comes to painting and frets over little details.  She is fully invested in her artwork.  I wanted her to see some art she might not normally see.

I decided to overlook the labels and boxes those that run the festival put in place and decided instead to focus on the art and the artists.  Isn't that what should really matter?  You bet!  So I went to support artists, talk to them, learn how they create what they create, where they get their ideas and see something out of the norm.  There was some incredibly powerful work based around the idea of faith and religion that just blew me away as well as some technically beautiful work in all forms of media.  There was some fun and whimsical art as well that really used humor just right.  I discovered there were a few more local artists than seemed to be advertised.  (Not sure why the media spoke to the out-of-state artists so much but they missed some kick ass local artists.  They did interview one emerging artist that was local and that was good to see.  I would like to see them cover more of them in the future.) 

I kept analyzing the booths, breaking down the different details especially in the jewelry booths.  I was checking out displays, observing how they priced their work and set up the areas people had to walk in and out.  There is a small amount of real estate and you have a lot to take into consideration.  I noticed who had cool walls that stood out versus the plain white walls.  One artist even brought in flooring to make it easier on her legs and back after the long days at the festival.  I have come to the conclusion that it takes quite an investment to have a good booth that will make it through the decision process, something I don't have right now.

I also came to the conclusion that this is just not the scene for the work I do right now.  Even if I had the tent and the proper booth set up, I would not likely pass the rest of the standards.  I love variety too much and could not just focus on one style or line to show.  I am not specialized yet and may never be specialized like I observed today.  And you know what? I am totally okay with that.  I can go to the festival and others like it, support the artists with my attendance and sales when I can afford to buy their work, and let them know I truly value their work.  As an artist who does events, I know how important it is to hear that your work has some kind of impact on a person.  I wanted my daughter to see that those conversations with artists are really great things, to be be brave and ask artists about their work when she saw something that made her wonder.  (She did get brave.  Took a little nudging but she got comfortable with it after awhile...)

There is one other reason I wanted to go to the festival.  An artist friend put on his Facebook page that he was going down to support a creative partner of his and would be there all day.  He would appreciate anyone who would bring Red Bull to them since they were there from 7:45 am until 10 pm. (I did not bring any Red Bull but another mutual fried did earlier.)  They are an amazing support network and creative team.  (They have a company together and create graphic novels.)  I have wanted to meet this person face-to-face for awhile since I admire what he does and his drive to create so I made it a point to get to the Emerging Artists area and find him.

What a great feeling it is when you meet someone like that!  Just another reason I like meeting artists and picking their brains.....  We seem to be open to meeting people and enjoy the variety of personalities in this world.  (I won't say I love everyone because I am human after all but I will say that I am a very open person, willing to give just about anyone a fair shake.)  He is such a positive, funny, appreciative, and driven person that I just had to meet him in person. So glad I made the time to do that!

When you go to an art festival or check out some art at an event, take time to enjoy it.  Ask questions about the work.  Let the artist know what you enjoy.  There are lots of things we hear that can drive us crazy like "I can make that." or "That seems like a high price.  Would you take $XXX (big drop in price)?" or "I only pay $X for stuff like that." Some of us have nice answers for things like that and some of us come back a bit more aggressively but when someone is having a genuine conversation with us, we are just as genuine back.  I loved the conversations I had with the artists I spoke to today.  I really appreciated them taking time to talk to me about their work.

Not every festival or event is for every artist and that is just fine with me.  But supporting art and artists is for everyone.  I hope that you take some time to enjoy a festival or two on a regular basis, whatever that is for you.  You just never know what you will find.  There is some incredible stuff out there just waiting to be found by YOU!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Revamping... an on-going process

I think I am always re-vamping something or maybe I am just thinking about all my options all of the time.  I have re-vamped this blog just today after reading and responding to a Facebook post by Melbe Creations.  (You can also find her here.)  She was talking about SEO and including links on your blog.  (There is ALWAYS something to be done it seems to make SEO better.) SEO for those unfamiliar with those letters stand for Search Engine Optimization.  I would love to add an icon to the links but have not figured out how to do that quite yet.  (But you know I will be thinking about it a lot now....)

This is an open invitation for you to send me links to your sites and pages so that I can perhaps give you a boost by including them in my Link List (found on the right hand side of my blog).  I have been so blessed to have been supported by so many people that paying it forward is extremely important to me.  You can send it in the contact me section of my blog.  (Yes, I added that too.)  I will probably figure out a few more ways to re-vamp this blog but for today, I will say I have made good progress.

I am also re-vamping how I do events and displays constantly.  It seems that there is a formula that works well but I never want to settle.  So I play with it a little bit and watch how others set up their booths and tables.  I take lots of mental notes.  I already have some ideas for my booth at the Iowa State Fair this summer.  (Is there an off switch for my brain????)

I re-vamp my web-site from time to time and keep updating my albums as I make new items.  It is important to keep them current but I also know that if I wait too long in between updates I will just plain forget to do them.  Lists help but even a list can get lost, right? 

My ideas and styles are always evolving and I tend to follow my gut a lot.  I might get inspiration from what is considered "in season" but most of the time my ideas come from a direct reaction to something I have seen or touched.  Ideas have been known to pop into my head at the most random of moments and I have to make note of them or they get lost.  I am not a sketcher by nature but if it helps me remember the idea, you bet I sketch it out.  I am pretty eclectic in general and I think that shows in my work.  Re-vamping is just part of my process, as I think it is with any creative person.

The one thing that I never re-vamp is my passion and love of all things art, whether you wear it or look at it.  (The background I chose for this blog is a watercolor background, one of my most favorite mediums to use.)  I believe that you should always be surrounded by something you are passionate about and love deeply.  It makes you smile and that is never, ever a bad thing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

In the Right Place

I was driving home from work today and it hit me that I am in a highly creative and encouraging phase of my life.  I have always been creative.  I have always encouraged others.  That is part of my creativity really - encouraging others to be creative, take risks, dream big, ask "What if?" and "Why not?"   It feels especially creative and encouraging right now to me.   I am not sure why exactly but it feels so very right.  I am going to go with it.

18 years ago, i was preparing to graduate from college with my Bachelor of Art Education from Drake University.  I had been exposed to some incredibly talented and creative people.  I had been encouraged to push boundaries, ask questions, and pay it forward.  I was ready to go out and encourage others to do the same.  I had a daughter who had been born March 29th.  I knew touching others' lives was nothing to be taken lightly and was excited to get into a classroom.

I was a creative teacher, one who paid attention to individual needs and strengths.  I am still proud to say I am not a cookie-cutter individual or teacher.  Individuality is key to my creativity and I highly encourage it in others, even when I just have a conversation with someone.  You never know when something you say will hit the right spot and motivate them to do something really incredible so it is my opinion that one should always be positive, encouraging, open and creative.

We all have unique talents that get called into action in different phases of our lives.  We don't always know those talents are there and they sometimes surprise us.  I have been surprised by the intensity I have when it comes to encouraging others to be creative and make their own mark on this world.  Sure, I always encouraged it and always will but the INTENSITY is so strong right now.  The timing for this is right too.

When I was younger, I was so busy trying to get everything done at home and in my classroom.  I was so busy trying to be creative for different reasons that did not always resonate with me.  I was not ready to handle this kind of intense creativity and encouragement.  I was too busy and I was too scattered.  But that has changed as the years pass.  I am glad I am ready for this phase of my life!

I don't always have time to MAKE new jewelry or art but I always have time to dream up ideas, tune into the world and notice tiny details that come out in a creation down the road, and to really appreciate the talent of the people I surround myself with regularly.  Making will happen.  It always does.  But AWARENESS.... that does not always happen.  Being aware makes creativity that much more intense.

A side effect of that is the intensity I have for encouraging others to be creative and go for the big dreams, whether they are art related or not.  I pay it forward as often as possible these days because I think it is important to help others.  Someone has helped me and I need to pay the universe back for those nudges that have led to my successes.  It has now grown to include helping friends  and other artists with fundraising drives, working on "marketing" strategies, and getting more resources when they need them.

(one of those friends said that I had to set up my own fundraising drive if I was going to help him, that I could not just do something for him but HAD to do something for myself and my business too.  And as soon as this divorce is done, I know what I am going to pursue.  I am excited for it!!!)

The more I help this friend, the more excited I am for him and for the things I am learning.  I am forced to be creative to work my way through these processes and I am intensely interested in it.  I want so much for it to be a huge success because I know what great things will come from it for my friend.  All of this feeds my creativity even more.  I start thinking of more art creations, jewelry designs and what I need to make those things a reality.  It is a great cycle and I look forward to what comes from it!

I am right where I need to be and the right people are in my life for great things to happen.  This creativity COMPLETELY resonates with me and it is incredible!  I hope that you will get to have that very same feeling yourself.  Encourage others to go after their dreams and make their mark on the world.  This world needs that.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

This Journey

The journey awakens the soul.... a stamped piece that really does express how I feel about this journey I am on these days....  It is a pretty accurate description of WHY I do what I do too. 

When I was teaching, no matter the grade level, and when I teach small jewelry classes now, I tell people about my journey and how each step on it makes me light up even more, wakes up something inside of me that is very important for my personal growth.  I feel like I really NEED to share that message about making jewelry or art or just plain living. 

We can go through business wondering how we can build a stronger business, create a great customer base that continues to buy what we make even when they are saturated with what we make, and how to make it happen fast.  We all want to keep creating new work.  I get itchy fingers if I don't make jewelry.  The ideas MUST escape my head.  But people will reach a point when there is too much jewelry in our collection so there will be a slow down in the purchasing cycle.  It is natural. 

I use those phases to work on my online presence, explore ideas in mosaics and watercolors, and connect with people.  I adore connecting with people!  I truly enjoy meeting people and learning about them as individuals.  If I can support someone in any way, I do that.  I run out of money to buy others' creations but I can spread the word about the work they create.  Paying it forward matters more than I can ever say in words. 

I recently read a blog by Seth Godin.  He is really wise about this thing we call creativity and business.  He understands PEOPLE.  I read his work every time it lands in my email.  He may write something that is a quick thought or something longer like this piece 100 days later but it always makes me think, take a look at my business.  I just had to share this blog entry by him because it says everything I would tell people about building a business in art and jewelry or ANYTHING CREATIVE. 

We want to make a big splash, shout "Look at me!!!  Buy my stuff!!!" but we forget about further down the road.  My whole approach to my business and my art IS to look further down the road.  I don't panic if an event does not net sales.  Down the road it will.  I don't panic if my listings online don't generate an immediate sale.  Down the road it will.  If it does not, I control how i react to that.  I can panic, throw in the towel and run away saying I was defeated.  I can step back, think it over, and plot another path with a different goal.  I choose the latter - to re-vamp my idea or plan.  I have never run from a challenge and I am not about to start now.

I talk to lots of people at events and vendors will ask over and over again how it is going for me, how are sales, etc.  That is normal conversational topic really.  Some get mad, offended that people are not buying their awesome things.  I choose not to do that and it makes some of them wonder.  When I explain it is the big picture that is my focus, that I am looking months and years down the road, most of them get it.  Some never do and that is okay.  I am not them.  I do not expect anyone to do what I do.  I just tell them how I am not going to panic and fall apart when my big idea creates just a ripple, not a gigantic splash. 

That ripple.... that incredibly powerful ripple is what I am aiming to create.  A splash dries off quickly.  A ripple keeps you moving, bouncing along with it for so much longer!  It keeps you awake.  It won't let you rest.  And that, my friend, is part of my journey, the thing that awakens my soul.  May you find the thing that awakens your soul.  It is amazing when you do.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I am a writer, of sorts.  I journal often.  I always have.  I love poetry and lyrics.  I love to just start spilling the words that are trapped in my busy mind.  They don't always make sense together but I don't think they are supposed to always make sense.  I have a NEED to get these word-filled thoughts out of my head so I can make space for something new. 

Writing is a part of my creativity.  It is as important to me as making art.  They are interconnected so much of the time.  There is a story behind a lot of the jewelry and art that I make.  There is a song lyric or poem that I connect with certain creations.  I don't think I am very different from many creative people.  The WHY is very important when it comes to being a "maker". 

Recently, I visited a dear friend whom I have not seen in a very long time.  She writes.  A lot.  She writes about all kinds of things in her life and does not censor any of it.  When I read her writing, I hear her voice reading it to me with all of its inflections (and laughter).  That is an awesome way to experience writing, if you ask me. 

She has been working with a friend on an idea for a women's writers workshop.  They would like to integrate visual art as well and asked if I would be interested in working with them on it.  They asked if I wanted to help create a group that will support creativity and give women a way to explore it, through writing and art.  I, of course, said YES!!!  I am always up for collaborations, doing things to help people see their true creative selves and learning from others.

And then it occurred to me, this is the second time in 6 months that someone has told me that they think I foster creativity in others.  They said that they saw me as a very creative individual and would like me to add to their writers workshop idea.  The first time someone said that I fostered creativity in them was a moment like this one too.  That person thanked me for coming into their lives at the right moment, giving her the courage to step out and try being creative.  (She has since started to make her own jewelry that I feel honored to see in my email.)  Both moments made me stop and take notice - this is my purpose.

One might think that I should know this already as I was an art teacher for 15 years and an artist at heart.  On some level, I did but I always thought about it differently.  It was just a part of the job, something I needed to be able to do in order to teach visual art well and create art.  But now.... I see it as a very clear PURPOSE. 

We all have a purpose but we don't all get to see it or understand it.  I have had so many changes in my life over the past 3 years that it would be easy to just pass this over as a compliment that people might give me and leave it at that.  But I have had this... FEELING... that things are moving towards a purpose I have not experienced fully yet.  Something different but pretty great is coming my way and I keep finding myself in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time. 

It may not be something huge, but it is huge to me.  It might not make sense to someone else, but it feels so right to me that it makes sense to me.  It might not be recognized on a big level but I don't care about that level.  What I care about is that personal connection and the empowerment we give each other to be who we were meant to be.  That interpersonal level is where I am at home. 

Touch one person and they touch others.  It spreads like wildfire.  Imagine what would happen if we were able to spread creativity and other positive things ONLY.  This world would be a very different place.  My purpose is to encourage people to be creative, take risks and make something (or write something) that makes them feel empowered to do more.  It is not the same for everyone but I know from experience that it is worth the risk to get creative in life SOMEHOW.  (I love to see how creativity manifests in others' lives!)

I don't know exactly where I am heading with all of this creativity but I do know I am heading to a really great place in my life.  I know I will get there when the time is right and I will appreciate it fully.  I know I will be surrounded by the right people.  I know I am on this path for a reason, that my purpose is clear. 

I also know that I will continue to write and journal, get the thoughts out of my head and onto paper so there is room for all of my new ideas and thoughts.  Writing helps me to figure out my purpose and how well (or not) I am working towards that purpose.  It is a great clarifying tool! 

I am so glad I visited my friend and her writing friend! I had almost cancelled, as it had been a crazy week, but something kept telling me that I needed to put my butt in the seat and take the trip.  I was not there very long but I did not need a long visit to be reminded why I was there.  There are people in your life for a reason.  The best ones remind you of who you are and what you are meant to do. 

I am closing this sort of rambling post with a quote that inspires me ever since I ran across it on a Facebook page.  I even put it in a ring so I can wear it and be reminded to keep being me, no matter what.  My wish for you is that you will find the courage to be who you were meant to be and that you will always be surrounded by people who will remind you to do what you are meant to do.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Open Doors

I have had many doors open for me in my life as an artist.  They open when I need an opportunity to come along but I am not sure what opportunity I should be seeking.  They open when I trust that things are going to come along in the right timing.  They open when I give generously, not expecting anything in return.  The people I have met on this journey as an artist and a small business person have all helped to open doors for me.

I find myself in a good place, a really good place.  I have growth that seems to be steady and strong.  it feels..... RIGHT.  It feels like I should be doing what I am doing right now.  I have taken risks and tried new things because someone has asked me IF I can do them.  They trusted me enough to ask me, so I trusted myself enough to give it a try.  I did the research, planned my work, and went into the project with an open mind.  Success!!!!

I do know my limits though.  I watched the replays of the 2 week Right Brain Business Seminar and learned a lot from other creative business minds.  Several of them talked about knowing when to say "No" or "I cannot do that to the quality that you need right now" or "I recommend this person to deliver you the service you need".  It is often in my thoughts after this seminar that I need to remember WHY I do what I do and base my decisions on that.  I trust my instincts and just have to remember that important little fact when I feel stressed.  Just because there is a door in front of me does not mean it is always the right door to open.

I look forward to creating so much more now that I have gotten really clear about why I do what I do.  Now I need to make decisions that match that vision.  These open doors that have suddenly appeared recently make that even more clear.  I wish I could clone myself so I can do all the things I need to do - update website with new images, stay on top of all the social media sites I use to get the word out about my business (which is a very manageable number at this time), create more work, network with others, find supplies, get to all of the shops that carry my work, etc.  I work a day job to pay the bills and help me build my business like so many other small business people do but my mind is always spinning with ideas and things that need to be done.  The right door will open, the right people will show up, and things will fall into place as long as I keep my vision clear and work for it.  (That is what I hope and trust to happen anyway.)

Every person that has helped me, bought something I created, asked me to make custom work, or share space in an event keeps opening doors for me.  I cannot thank people enough for that.  Perhaps that is why I pay it forward as often as I can!  Speaking of which, I am starting to send out the pay it forward creations out to those that commented on my post in September 2012.  I really, really, really enjoy paying it forward that way.  I will have to do that more often.  Look for another blog with something like that in it this spring....

If you are interested in finding me and my work at shows, check out this calendar.  As events are added, I update my calendar on my website.  I also update my Facebook page.  Feel free to contact me at any time by emailing me here.

Here's to the open doors in your life and the possibility for all the open doors you need!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ah, February!

Hello and Happy February!
I have to admit I like February a lot.  Mostly because my birthday is the 1st but also because I love my birthstone, amethyst.  I try to make something special with it as a birthday treat to myself.  it might take me awhile to formulate the idea as I like to let them "brew" a bit but it always gets done.  There might be other things on the "to Do" list that never make it but this one always does.  It is a healing stone and is just my favorite.

February also seems a little more "awake" than January to me too.  I love moving closer to spring and I have discovered this is a good month for classes.  I have started to teach more of them and am "brewing" ideas for more classes down the road.  To find out what is on the docket this month, check out my calendar.

I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day amazingly.  It is not because I think love stinks or anything like that.  (I love LOVE and wish it for everyone!)  I just think that you should always show people you love them because you never know when they will be gone from your life.  It is such an important thing to show daily - in big and small ways.  The small ways add up to some pretty big things in the end so I hate to skip those or discount them.  I do think it has been commercialized beyond belief, like many other important or sacred things in our lives.

I am not offering any extra special deals just for this "holiday" (if one can really call it that) but I do offer special deals all year round to show how much I love the support people show me.  I am always willing to make a deal!  (That would be the true artist in me....  Just let me make you something because I love it and someone special will get to keep it.) I never need an excuse or reason to make something. 

I love custom orders because someone has gone out of their way to think of doing something special for someone they love or themselves.  It is not selfish to do something special for yourself!  (Although my kids and siblings remind me all of the time I do not do this enough for myself.  LOL  I am learning... trying to be kinder to myself in small ways.)  I recently made some horse hair jewelry and know it is precious to that person because they adore their fur-friend.  I also am working on some projects that include beads someone picked up because they found them cool and thought they looked lonely just sitting in the jewelry box.  That personal touch is breathtaking to me.....  *contented sigh*

I hope this February finds you loved and appreciated!  I hope you treat yourself kindly, with love and do something just a little special for yourself.  If you happen to be looking at something I have made - whether it is now or down the road - and are interested in it, I am always around to do what I can to give you a great deal.  Contact me via Facebook or Email.  I just love to create and will keep on doing that!  (Hopefully following up with a blogpost too!)

I have not forgotten about those who took on the Pay It Forward blog I did earlier.  I have some ideas "brewing" for that too. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Returning to Routines

There is something really comforting about routines.   I know what to expect - roughly - and how I can change things around within them.  I know how to plan my time a bit better and seem more able to fit in custom orders when routine is what takes over, especially after the holidays and all the busy-ness they bring.  I like routine.  (I do love change and thrive on change but without routine there would be no change.) 

I look forward to building inventory for the days at the Iowa State Fair and to having time to create entries to be judged at the fair.  I look forward to using all the cool supplies that I have amassed during the holiday season in between custom orders.  I have ideas that have been brewing for quite awhile and it is exciting to have the time to make them concrete.

I look forward to tweaking my social media presence and exploring the capabilities of Google+, Twitter, Facebook and more.  You can find my new Google+ account here.  I read lots of articles about the changes Google+ has made and is making.  I enjoy exploring all my options.  I know that I need to look into the changes made at Goodsmiths and tweak my account there more.

I have not forgotten about my pay-it-forward blog that I did a few months ago.  I am getting those creations made and hope to surprise those who are getting something from me with something they will love.  Maybe I will do that again soon.....